A brilliant quote captures a concept or idea; it can enlighten, inspire, or clarify. Additionally, it can inspire your audience to support you because a powerful idea can have much effects when it is eloquently and memorable stated. Here are some beautiful quotes from “Nevertheless” drama.

The drama is a story of romance between a man who is annoyed with relationships but likes to flirt and a woman who wants to date but does not believe in love. It stars Song Kang & Han So Hee.
Some things just work out suddenly even when you think there is no hope.
No one will take responsibility for your own life.
There is no such thing as fate. Everything is just a meaningless coincidence.
Dating isn’t about picking the nicest person. It’s about meeting someone special to you.
Love is what can make even the roughest person become as soft as sand on the beach.
Lonely people will be loney even of they date someone.
A person who doesn’t know how to love someone will can be happy.
If you’re in a relationship, you have a kind of duty not to make the other feel lonely.
Love. It gets trampled on and helplessly melts away. It’s nothing.
Who would love someone who doesn’t even take care of themselves?
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