Reading quotes on a regular basis is a great way to stop putting things off. Anyone who has trouble getting things done on time will find that reading a book of quotes can give them a boost of motivation. Here are some youthful quotes from “Record Of Youth” drama.

Record of youth is a Korean drama three young fashionistas are trying to make it big in the world of modelling. They strive to achieve their dreams and love without despair. It stars Park Bo Gum, Park So Dam & Byeon Woo Seok.
I don’t want to be in love, but I want to be happy.
Be stubborn. That’s the privilege of youth, after all.
It’s always like this in life – people with a bad character who don’t care about others are always winners.
Even parents should apologize when they did something wrong.
People say when you get old, your friends change depending on how much money you have.
Living an honest life does not mean I will be happy in life.
Take advice from people who are older than you. The elders always have a point.
Everyone ‘looks’ happy. I never said they are actually happy.
The people you love want to share your burden with you. You only disappoint them by hiding it from them.
Life is like a race. You never know who is going to win until it is over.
When you have a lot on your mind, silence is the best companion.
The most precious gift in the world is to live in the present, learn from the past, and plan for the future.
When you are not sure whether or not you should say something, just do not say it.
You will not find anything if you think it is impossible.
My grandpa said that sometimes, losing is winning.
Don’t give up until you exhaust all possibilities.
What you see isn’t everything. I can smile during the day because I cry at night.
Faith is much more fragile than love.
There is no such thing as a smooth path in life.
People must accept their mistakes to have a successful life.
Nasty people who don’t care about others always win in this life.
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