One of the best ways to keep yourself motivated and live a healthy life is to read quotes. Quotes can help you come up with new ideas, get inspired to do work, reach your goals, and do a lot more. Here are some beautiful quotes from ‘You Are My Spring’ drama.

The drama talks about three characters who are still dealing with traumas. A hotel manager with a history of bad relationships, a psychiatrist who does all he can to help people & an actress recovering from depression.
All relationships come to an end, for the lucky ones, they end with marriage, if not, with breakups.
Letting someone into your heart means that your heart can be easily broken by them. It also means you will not let go of them despite knowing that.
Everyone has stories they want to hide and things they don’t want to hear, even if it’s true. So telling the truth can be a form of assault.
The fact that I can’t trust anyone anymore hurts me more than the fact that I was betrayed by the people I trusted the most.
Breaking up with someone means you must say goodbye to everything you met through them.
Why look after your kids first? Take care of yourself first. How can they be happy when you’re not?
Once you’ve lost someone dear to you, you’re willing to believe anything. Things like souls, heaven, and reincarnation
We can’t always find the right time for everything in life.
Don’t feel too guilty about what has happened. Live everyday as if it’s your last & be happy.
If you want to be told that you made the right decision, then it means you think otherwise.
Embracing and warming someone’s body with your temperature is a more sincere act of affection than mere words.
The problem is that the feeling of excitement comes before trust does. And I realized how terrifying that rash excitement can be.
Getting heartbroken is not a metaphor. You merely cannot see the wounds but the injury is real. The problem is that even the patient does not know about the injury because it does not bleed.
Even if you dated someone for ten years, the next person you meet could actually be you true love.
You don’t need to leave a life of grief because of someone who has died.
Not all goodbyes are sad. Breaking up after falling out of love is like stepping out of a tub filled with lukewarm water. It’s relieving.
The fact that I’m breathing is enough proof that I’m doing well despite not shining brightly all the time.
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